I'm Tab Atkins

and I work at Google.





The Future of CSS

...or at least, some of it.

Image Values

Defines several useful image-related features.

Level 3 is in CR, and features are showing up and unprefixing as we speak.



Gradients have changed over time…

Gradients have changed over time…

Corner-to-corner gradients are now "magic".

Old behavior of to top right: Image of a color gradient
New behavior: Image of a color gradient

Conical Gradients!

conic-gradient(red, yellow, lime, cyan, blue, magenta, red)
repeating-conic-gradient(20% 20%, white 0deg 20deg, transparent 20deg 40deg)

Improvements to color-stop syntax

Color and position can be in either order.

white 20% === 20% white

A color-stop can have two positions, defining a "stripe"

red 33%, white 33%, white 67%, blue 67%
red 33%, white 33% 67%, blue 67%

Improvements to color-stop syntax

Omit the color and have it automatically computed for you, for making non-linear transition curves

black, #333 5%, #666 10%, #999 15%, #ccc 20%, white
black, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, white

The image() function

Basically a souped-up url()

image-set() function!

image-set("normal.png" 1x, "high-res.png" 2x, "print.png" 500dpi)

Lets you specify multiple resolutions of an image, and the browser will automatically choose which one to download, based on the screen's resolution and the current network speed.

The element() function

Use an element as an image!

MozHacks article

cross-fade() function

Smoothly fade between two images. Already works in WebKit//Blink (with an older syntax), and is used by CSS animations!

cross-fade( <percentage>? <image> [, <image> | <color> ]? )


Provides hints to the browser about how it should scale images.

pixelated crisp-edges


Phase 1 of making CSS actually handle layout

Dumps much of the text-related complication in favor of simpler, more useful abilities.

Been in CR for a while, and Firefox and Chrome are already unprefixed.


Four distinct improvements

  1. Layout direction with flex-flow
  2. Source-order independence with order
  3. Vertical and horizontal alignment (centering!) with the justify-* and align-* properties
  4. Flexiblity with flex

Grid Alignment!

Finally, a layout system designed for pages.

Slice the page into cells, and position elements into those cells.

No extraneous markup, no source-order dependence, fully flexible.


Grid Alignment!

grid-template: "a c"
               "b c"
               "d d"
               "e e";
#title { grid-area: a }

Grid Alignment!

grid-template: "a d"
               "c d"
               "b e";
#title { grid-area: a }

Values & Units


This spec defines all the basic value types that CSS uses across its specs

Also defines the syntax used in property descriptions, if you ever wondered what the hell "&&" meant in a property grammar.

Some useful new units

rem is the em from the root element

ex is relative to the font's x-height, similar to the em

ch is the width of the "0" (an 'average character')

vw, vh, vmin, vmax units are relative to the size of the window

The calc() function

Lets you do math in CSS, combining things that are comparable

calc(20px + 3em + 40%)

calc(100% / 7)

linear-gradient(to right, white, silver calc(50% - 10px), silver calc(50% + 10px), white);

The attr(), toggle() functions

attr() lets you pull values from attributes on the element

Useful for implementing the UA stylesheet, or for styling based on data-* attributes

width: attr(data-size px, 100px);

toggle() takes several values, and "toggles" between them with each nested use

New Selectors!


The first module to hit level 4!

Selectors are getting pretty powerful now

Column pseudos

In HTML, the column of a cell is indicated implicitly, rather than directlly through nesting. This makes it impossible to style an element based on its column, except for the 4 properties that the spec allows <col> to have.

col.foo || td selects the cells within the column that matches "col.foo"

td:nth-col(n) and td:nth-last-col(n) work in the expected way

Link pseudos

:any-link is :link done right - matches both visited and unvisited links

:local-link matches links to elsewhere in the same page

:local-link(n) matches based on subsets of the path.

Example: Github urls are of the form http://github.com/[user]/[repo]/[file]. :local-link(2) would match all links to the same repository (sharing domain + 2 segments).

The Reference Combinator

Lets you follow IDREF attributes in the selector, like <label for=foo>

label:hover /for/ input { outline: thick dotted red; }

:nth-match() - selector indexing

li.foo:nth-child(even) doesn't do what you want...

li:nth-match(even of .foo) does!

:matches() - Branching

table.foo td p.bar,
table.foo th p.bar {
table.foo :matches(td, th) p.bar { 

CSS Variables!

Variables! In CSS! OMG!

A common request for literally over a decade.


Why so long?

Previously, discussion was paralyzed by indecision and argument.

Now we have agreement on the solution, and are finishing experimental implementations. Shipping has been delayed, but should proceed soon.

Var Example

:root {
	var-header-color: #006;
	var-main-color: #06c;
	var-accent-color: #c06;
a { color: var(main-color); }
a:visited { color: var(accent-color); }
h1 { 
  color: var(header-color);
  background: linear-gradient(var(main-color), transparent 25%);



New Color draft includes a bunch of new functionality requested by authors, and some lessons from preprocessors.

New <color> types

hwb() (hue-whiteness-blackness) is a more intuitive variant of HSL

gray() lets you specify grays compactly and without repetition.

color() function lets you adjust colors, a la preprocessors, but live. Very useful with variables.

Media Queries!

Throwing out the old & busted media types, in favor of new and more useful media features.

course fine
Hover yes Wii-mote Mouse
no Touch Cintiq (pens)

More are possible, such as ability to animate (distinguishes print/e-ink from normal screens). Let us know if you have more ideas!


Nesting CSS Rules

Nesting is a mainstay of preprocessors like Sass, but has some grammar ambiguities that make it hard to handle in real CSS.

Finally resolved with "nesting block", simply wrapping the rules in {}:

foo {
	color: red;
	{.bar { color: blue;}}
	{&.baz { color: yellow; }}
	{qux & { color: green; }}


Polyfilling CSS

CSS suffers from an all-too-common problem - its solutions are big and tailored, and if you deviate too far from the ideal, tough luck.

Violates the ideas of the Extensible Web Manifesto.

CSS is complex and perf-sensitive, though.

Polyfilling will proceed in small steps.

Polyfilling MQs

Seems obvious and easy

@custom-media foo (min-width: 500px) and (max-width: 1200px);
@media ("foo") { ... }
CSS.customMedia.set("bar", true);
CSS.customMedia.set("baz", 500);
     MediaQueryList("(min-width: 500px)"))
@media ("bar") { ... }
@media ("baz" < 600) { ... }
@media ("qux") { ... }

More Polyfilling

  1. Custom Pseudo-classes
  2. Custom Functions
  3. Mix-ins (functions on the block level, rather than value level)
  4. Custom Blocks (define whatever at-rules you want, process them with JS)
  5. More?

The End

Ask Me Anything - I Am A Spec Writer


